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Telling the Truth

Guest Writer

February 4, 2025


Dear Friends of Southeast Michigan,

Grace to you and peace, from God our Father and our Lord Jesus Christ!

In my previous letter dated January 29, I shared with you my conviction that as Lutheran Christians we have a particular understanding that we are both freed in Christ AND bound to serve our neighbors. This understanding has implications for how we live in the world, and how we share the good news of Jesus Christ with all people.

Last October I signed a statement put forward by our Conference of Bishops about the need to speak the truth in public discourse and our refusal “to accept the ongoing normalization of lies and deceit” (see And of course we follow the 8th commandment: “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.”

On February 1, “General Mike Flynn” (handle on X/Twitter) alleged that Lutheran organizations like Global Refuge (formerly Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services) and Lutheran Services in America (LSA) receive way too much federal grant money with no transparency regarding its use. Flynn characterized this as a “money laundering operation.” Mr. Elon Musk shared this point, which has given it wide circulation. Flynn offered no proof of his allegations.

It is false and dangerous to allege that Lutherans use religion to launder money or that federal grants that for decades have been used to support the work of Lutheran organizations are in any way illegal. National Lutheran service organizations, and our local partner Samaritas (formerly Lutheran Social Services of Michigan) have done the same excellent work for 85 years, serving legally admitted refugees and immigrants. Our Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has offered a video statement sharing that truth.

Again, I assure you that both the ELCA and the Southeast Michigan Synod remain committed to sharing the Gospel and to our partnerships. “God’s Work, Our Hands,” is what is printed on thousands of yellow t-shirts we wear during work projects. Let us raise our voices as well.

Grace and peace,


Bishop Don Kreiss

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