About Serenity
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.”
Reinhold Neibuhr
More than ever, this is a prayer that needs to be pondered. The stress that many are uniquely feeling today can lead to exhaustion, followed by a lack of hope. While there has always been chaos (constant change) in our midst it has been heightened by events in Washington DC.
I have listened to at least 10 people in the last two weeks who have shared their concerns about the above. It therefore is a mission field by the nature of human response.
To actualize the Serenity Prayer in today’s world there are however several things you can do;
Pray for everyone that the Peace of God will impact all people including yourself.
Remember that you are loved and equipped to share the love of God through works of mercy, justice, forgiveness, compassion, and generosity.
Attempt to actualize one of the above elements of shalom each day.
Always remember that sage advice “Don’t let the turkeys get you down.”
Strive to be patient with those who do not agree with you.
Refuse to become a victim becoming consumed with anxiety, fear, and hopelessness.
Repeat number 6.
Watch for works of God that take place each day.
Always remember that “Through Christ You Can Make a Difference in This World.”
Know that you are in my prayers, and that I am excited about all we are and can do to demonstrate Gods love. Never give up never give in!!
Pastor Mark