We communicate with our members and friends in many ways.
Learn more about how we stay in touch and how to get in the loop.
The VOICE — Published each month, The VOICE provides information on upcoming activities as well as thoughtful reflections. If you are not receiving The VOICE, or have an article or announcement to contribute, contact Marie Cook.
The VOICE online! — The VOICE is going to be online! (We will provide The VOICE on paper as well as online for the near future, and will continue to provide a paper version for those who require it.) Watch for more information in the coming months. Want to be a guest blogger? Contact Ashleigh Altemann.
Email Communications — Each Friday the eNews goes out with information on what’s happening, with “special issues” for late-breaking news or reminders. Not getting these emails? Contact Elaine Pearson at Want to put something in the eNews? Contact Elaine.
Website — You're already here!
facebook pages — St. John has two facebook pages — one for the church and a special one for God’s Garden. Both can be accessed by clicking the “f” logos here or at the top of the St. John home page. You can help make St. John more visible on the internet by Liking and Sharing!
St. John has a YouTube channel! — You can find recordings of our church services, Pastor Mark’s sermons and other fun things! Use the YouTube logo at the top of the St. John homepage.
Mailings — Periodically we send letters via snail mail to let you know of specific things going on, especially things you may need to do. Contact Marie Cook to receive these mailings.
Public Relations — When we have an important event happening that may be of interest to the larger community, we send out a press release. Do you have experience writing press releases or contacts with local press? Help us get the word out!
Text Messages — We have a free service through which we can send a text message when there’s something urgent to communicate. If you want to be on the list, text your name and request to Elaine Pearson at 248-425-5216.
Phone Messages — We have a free service through which we can send a recorded phone message when there’s something urgent to communicate. If you want to be on the list, text your name and phone number to Elaine Pearson at 248-425-5216 or email to
Outdoor Signage – We would like to increase our visibility to the neighborhood. We have tried using banners with mixed results. We would like something more permanent, but city restrictions could be an issue. Got an idea? Experience dealing with Farmington Hills? Contact Elaine.